Round 2: So, how are products saved?

Round 2, Take an Inventory: How are products saved?

This is going to get interesting. If you are troubleshooting a bug, you might consider conversing with one of your senior developers at this point. Round 2 means you worked through problem one time. You've tried (and done great!). However, the others on your team are a critical resource and you should take advantage of their knowledge but only once you have the perspective.

How can products be saved?

  • Edit > Save product
  • Mass save
  • Import products
  • Custom modules?
  • API
  • Directly in the database

Mass save review

In order to use mass save on your local environment, you need to determine the correct consumer:

bin/magento queue:consumer:list

If you are NOT using RabbitMQ, you can look in the queue message table to find messages.

bin/magento queue:consumer:start product_action_attribute.update

This starts the queue consumer so bulk messages will now be processed.

Importing products

Build a small CSV file and import it. Does this change the value?

It's time to replicate from a "random" source

bin/magento project1:bug1:initialize

Complete and Continue